The key to protecting military equipment is right under your nose, but you can only see it with one of these.

Thanks to technical textiles it’s now possible for a Protective Cover to be both waterproof and air-permeable (not just breathable). Air-permeability is made possible by an advanced membrane that features over a billion pores per square inch. You can only see those pores through a microscope, but they make a massive difference in the effectiveness of a protective cover.

The reason those pores are so critical is that they allow moisture to escape from under the cover as vapor. Without air-permeability, the moisture trapped under a cover has to turn back into water molecules, which then sit against the asset they’re covering while they wait to evaporate. That process extends what’s known as “Time of Wetness” -  something you want to decrease rather than increase. 

In other words, a protective cover that’s just breathable but not air-permeable, might create the very conditions you’re trying to prevent.

So the next time you’re looking into Protective Covers for your critical assets, make sure you’re taking a deep enough dive to determine whether the cover is air-permeable.

To learn more about the advantages of technical textiles, and the advances being made in Protective Cover technology, contact us or download our Introductory Brief.