You can’t escape Mother Nature, but you can outsmart her.

There’s no way to keep rain from falling, humidity from rising, or sand from blowing. In fact, the elements are relentless. Your assets are under attack 24/7/365, and every day they go unprotected, the costs of corrosion increase.

Fortunately, while even the most rugged equipment is no match for Mother Nature, there are ways to outsmart her. Thanks to science and technology, we can mitigate and even eliminate corrosion.

One of the most immediate and cost-effective solutions is protective covers. Thanks to a multi-year R&D process, Cocoon covers are completely waterproof while remaining highly air-permeable (eliminating heat and moisture buildup that can accelerate corrosion).

Cocoon covers also protect against UV radiation, and filter out particulates such as fine sand (“moon dust”). They’re hydrophobic which means their wet weight is equal to their dry weight and they won’t freeze. They’re even inherently anti-static and NOSSA-approved for use in ordnance applications. In short, Cocoon covers are advanced technology in the form of a textile.

Of course the most effective way to outsmart Mother Nature is to create your own environment. Cocoon has decades of experience creating corrosion-free environments that can stop corrosion altogether. By controlling the relative humidity (and the temperature as needed) you can effectively eliminate corrosion and stop the aging process.

To learn more, feel free to explore the Intro Briefs on this site, or contact us directly. We’ll help you be ready for whatever Mother Nature throws at you.

CorrosionBrian Beaulieu