Data can be as important as dehumidifiers in humidity-controlled environments.

Data is an essential tool in the fight against corrosion. You might have all the right facilities, and all the right equipment, but you can only be assured of success if you have also have the right data. 

Data points aren’t simply a collection of numbers, they’re an important and integral part of ensuring your facility is maintaining the right RH levels (“staying in spec”). That’s the only way to be sure you’re maintaining readiness, avoiding equipment loss and unplanned maintenance costs, and preserving the useful life of your critical assets.

Cocoon’s Assurance Program provides you with timely, relevant, and actionable data - including real-time alerts when your facility is out of spec. 

Good data assures that you’re humidity-controlled facility is doing its job - which leads to confidence in your readiness.

To learn more, click here to download an introductory brief on our Assurance program.